PacSol UK Blog

Blog • PacSol ImageView WebView Refresh • PacSol

Written by Mark Wheadon | May 4, 2020 4:25:43 PM

Fully embracing modern web technologies, the new ImageView Viewer offers a fresh, responsive, intuitive and secure way to access your ImageView documents. The ‘tabbed’ style layout enables several folios and documents to be open at the same time – meaning that you can switch between them at will. Existing users of WinView, WebView or even the ‘green screen’ will soon pick up the new improved interface.

There is good news for the IT department too. As a web app, there is no client installation at all, and the server installation does not require any database or other configuration changes. The existing ImageView viewer will continue to work – users can be introduced to the new viewer at your own pace.

The new web based viewer will be available later in 2020. If you would like to know more, have a demonstration or be a beta tester, then please get in touch.

Mark Wheadon. Technical Director at PacSol. May 2020